Let me start by saying, I owned the left one first which is Black Drama. I had it for about 4 months and it was working perfectly.
I'll start with the positives first, I really do love this mascara. It's defiantly one of my favourites. The formula is actually perfection, it lengthens, gives volume and it just does everything you want a mascara to do. It's just amazing.
One day though, I was about to use it and as soon as I pulled it out of the bottle, I could tell it was different. I didn't really care so I applied it and it was just horrible! The formula didn't lengthen and made my eyelashes just disgusting and all cluggy. It was pretty much a full bottle so I have no idea what happened, it felt empty and just weird. I know after about 3-6 months mascaras go 'stale' but I mean one day it was perfectly fine and the next it was just so different.
After that, I knew I needed to buy a new one because I knew that hadn't happened to anyone else and I've always heard such good things about it and never anything bad so I thought it was just me.
I knew there was a sale on makeup in my chemist so I thought it would be a perfect time to purchase a new one since they were half price. So I saw the Black Drama one and the Flared one, I decided to go for something different and the the silver one which is on the right in the photo.
This is my biggest regret, I don't know why but the formula felt the same as my old Black Drama one which is so weird. I was really disappointed. It makes my eyelashes cluggy and doesn't lengthen much.
I would really love to purchase Black Drama again when it goes on sale since it was so good.